Are you waiting for God to speak to you? How will you know if it's His voice you hear? This is a common question.
Most of us have been taught that when God speaks He tells us what to do and what not to do. This has mostly to do with our physical existence.
For instance we may want to know if we should date this person or that, marry them or not, move to a different town, switch jobs, etc That's all physical stuff.
God is well able to provide you with answers around those type topics.
What I have found is that God may introduce a new way of thinking - a spiritual knowing - and from that the obvious answer emerges.
To me this has been far more amazing than simply trying to get a yes or no answer about some perceived problem.
In this way there's no confusion - clarity comes which points to the answer and the clarity remains so there's never a need to ask that question again!
That being said here are three things that I have found that help to identify communication from God.
1. It is liberating. You feel it in your soul. Scripture says "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free". If you don't experience greater freedom it wasn't communication from God. And don't try to figure out if you have more freedom - you don't have to - you'll know instantly.
2. There is no condemnation. In other words God isn't going to beat you up for asking or wanting to know. I used to think that asking questions indicated a lack of faith. We are sometimes taught that. It's more true that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Do you really think the Almighty spends time judging your questions? I don't. You might judge them - and there's where the problem will be.
3. Communication from God won't include harm to others. I should think this is obvious - but somehow we live in a world where people who claim closeness to God abuse and mistreat each other every day. Many of these folks are good Christians too. Problem is they're not connected to God. Want proof? Go read about the way Jesus treated humble seekers of God. Remember who Jesus came down on? It was the religious and righteous folks - the people who thought they had all the answers.
To sum it up - If your attempts to communicate with God leave you feeling bound, condemned and judgmental of others - I'd say it's safe to say you're tuned into some old programming or teachings from your childhood.
If on the other hand you are finding great liberty, freedom and peace - you're connected! Keep it up!
There's no need for you to make these common mistakes when communicating with God.
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
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