Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hearing God's Voice - How to Know It's God - Part II

Are you waiting for God to speak to you? How will you know if it's His voice you hear? This is a common question.
Most of us have been taught that when God speaks He tells us what to do and what not to do. This has mostly to do with our physical existence.
For instance we may want to know if we should date this person or that, marry them or not, move to a different town, switch jobs, etc That's all physical stuff.
God is well able to provide you with answers around those type topics.
What I have found is that God may introduce a new way of thinking - a spiritual knowing - and from that the obvious answer emerges.
To me this has been far more amazing than simply trying to get a yes or no answer about some perceived problem.
In this way there's no confusion - clarity comes which points to the answer and the clarity remains so there's never a need to ask that question again!
That being said here are three things that I have found that help to identify communication from God.
1. It is liberating. You feel it in your soul. Scripture says "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free". If you don't experience greater freedom it wasn't communication from God. And don't try to figure out if you have more freedom - you don't have to - you'll know instantly.
2. There is no condemnation. In other words God isn't going to beat you up for asking or wanting to know. I used to think that asking questions indicated a lack of faith. We are sometimes taught that. It's more true that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Do you really think the Almighty spends time judging your questions? I don't. You might judge them - and there's where the problem will be.
3. Communication from God won't include harm to others. I should think this is obvious - but somehow we live in a world where people who claim closeness to God abuse and mistreat each other every day. Many of these folks are good Christians too. Problem is they're not connected to God. Want proof? Go read about the way Jesus treated humble seekers of God. Remember who Jesus came down on? It was the religious and righteous folks - the people who thought they had all the answers.
To sum it up - If your attempts to communicate with God leave you feeling bound, condemned and judgmental of others - I'd say it's safe to say you're tuned into some old programming or teachings from your childhood.
If on the other hand you are finding great liberty, freedom and peace - you're connected! Keep it up!
There's no need for you to make these common mistakes when communicating with God.
Get your free mini course here: bestillknowgod.
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Friday, January 16, 2009

Impeachment Hearing Leaves Cloud Over Hillary Clinton 1998 Editorial

Impeachment Hearing Leaves Cloud Over Hillary Clinton - 1998 Editorial
By Lindsey Williams

There was good news and bad news for the Clintons from the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing Thursday. Good news for the president is that Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr gave him a pass on Whitewater, Travelgate and Filegate. The bad news is that Hillary was not mentioned. While giving Bill's Teflon a polish, Starr said investigations about the gate trio continue. He stated there was some evidence the president lied about his involvement in the Madison Guaranty fraud, but assertions by a single witness would be a weak case.

Having obtained 14 convictions of the many Whitewater finaglers -- including the governor of Arkansas -- Starr seems to be focusing on a final culprit. Is it Hillary or her law partner Webster Hubbell? Starr told the committee there still were unanswered questions about Mrs. Clinton's legal work for another land fraud known as Castle Grande. Also, he wants to know how subpoenaed law firm billing records -- allegedly destroyed -- were discovered by a secretary two years later in Mrs. Clinton's private study.

The independent counsel said his office was investigating a single individual in the travel office firings and in the illegal possession of confidential FBI files.

Last week's hearing shed no new light on White House lies and cover ups. During 12 hours of harassment by Democrats, not one question was asked about the charges in Starr's referral to the committee.

The affair was bitterly partisan from the opening statement by minority ranking member John Conyers, to a final call by Zoe Lofgren that Starr's answers under oath be examined for perjury.

Highlight of the day was the usual pit-bull attack against Starr by Clinton's personal Lawyer David Kendall. The latter spent the half hour allotted him -- plus an extra 35 minutes allowed by Chairman Henry Hyde -- trying to prove Starr was a biased prosecutor.

Not once did Kendall try to disprove the charges against Clinton. At each accusatory question, Starr waved a copy of his referral at Kendall and challenged him to refute he facts.

Starr sailed through the partisan mine field unscathed. Indeed, he received an unprecedented standing ovation from sympathetic onlookers and Republican committee members after concluding questions by majority counsel. A smiling Starr shyly stood up to acknowledge the accolade. All in all, the hearing was a dud insofar as advancing the impeachment process. Democrat zealotry was painful to watch, it was so pitiful in effect. Particularly disgraceful was the mindless bias of the black members in asserting perjury about sex by the president doesn't matter. The civil rights movement stressed that lying by whites about offenses against blacks was heinous. The Black Caucus has become Uncle Tom to the Democratic plantation.

African-Americans overcame official discrimination through the courts by the rule of law. Truth-telling is the cornerstone of the American legal system. Perjury is a crime masking all other crimes. Friends of Bill -- and majority of Americans according to opinion polls -- contend lying under oath about sex by a president is not impeachable. How sad.

Perjury, for any reason, is perjury. This, alone, fully justifies impeachment.

However, there are larger justifications for removing Bill Clinton. He solicited sex service in the Oval Office. This was adultery, and adultery is a sin defined by the Ten Commandments. It is an offense established by four thousand years of social consensus.

Perhaps worse was the tawdry nature of the repeated sex overtures by the president. It was on the level of two-dollar deals with street walkers in darkened doorways. President John F. Kennedy at least carried off his sexcapades with style.

Those in Congress, and in the public, who clamor for overlooking perjury and tawdry sex are as guilty as Clinton. More so because they aren't even getting 10 seconds of ecstasy.

Now that Democrats have had their free shot to discredit the independent counsel, sterner ethicists can take charge. Facts speak for themselves.

Immediately after the hearing, Chairman Hyde issued four subpoenas for witnesses in the Kathleen Willey sexual harassment charge against Clinton. They are Bruce Lindsey, Clinton's most trusted confidant; Robert Bennett, Clinton's lawyer for imbo eruptions; Daniel Gecker, Willey's attorney; and Nathan Landow, a wealthy contractor accused of trying to persuade Willey from pressing charges.

Again, there is possible perjury, witness tampering and conspiracy to obstruct justice.

It is likely that Hyde will call John Huang, the White House bag man for questionable campaign contributions. Attorney General Janet Reno is inching toward establishment of another independent counsel to investigate massive violations of campaign financing. This might rap Republican knuckles but decapitate Democrats.

Eventually, articles of impeachment will be reported to the full House by party-line vote. If that was to happen today, a batch of wobbly-knee Republicans might refuse to impeach.

The more that Democrats obfuscate and delay the Judiciary Committee proceedings, the more likely the impeachment process will continue well into next year.

New revelations of wrong doing by the Clintons and associates would gradually sober up public opinion.

Let the games begin.

November 22, 1998


Click here to see this article on Lindsey Williams's website


Lindsey Williams is a Sun columnist who can be contacted at: or

Website: with over a thousand of Lin's Editorial & At Large articles written over 40 years.

Also featured in its entirety is Lin's groundbreaking book Boldly Onward, that critically analyzes and develops theories about the original Spanish explorers of America. (fully indexed/searchable)

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Just Hearing the Word

Not Just Hearing the Word
By Mellody Davis

Welcome to the website: All about Jesus, I hope you enjoy the Revealing Facts about the Bible. I encourage you to look at your Bible and see the truth (fact) about the true living word of God and then make your decisions. My Goal is to bring as many as I can to the Glory of the salvation of Jesus in hopes that your soul may be save.

Lets start by saying all Praise and Glory go to the Lord Jesus and his Father God

Not Just Hearing The Word

In many chapters in the Bible it speaks of not just hearing the word, but also following it. In Matthew 7:21 it says: Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. We must live by the Will of the Father and as Jesus did. In James 1:22 it clearly states the fact about just hearing the word. It says; Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he look like.Now who wants to forget what he looks like? Thats something to think about.

It also says in Matthew 12:48 it says; He replied to him, Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? Pointing to his disciples, he said, here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. We are one Family in Jesus Christ. Furthermore Jesus asks the question in Luke 6:46 saying; Why do you call me, Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say? We all need to ask ourselves that question. If you look at John 14:21 it says; Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him. What a wonderful statement. Now look at 1John 5:3 it says; This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus is so powerful, he gave us so many wonderful works. Look at 1John 2:5 it says; But if anyone obeys his word, Gods love is truly made in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did. Jesus even gave us the ability to learn his word on our on. Look at 1John 2:20 it says; But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. Now look at verse 2:27 it says; As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. Bus as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit---just as it has taught you, remain in him. To sum it up I think it is best written in Romans 12:1 it says; Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and pleasing to God---this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is--- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Jesus is truly merciful and deserves all the praise and glory. Enjoy more reading at:

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Traumatic Brain Injury Affects Hearing

How Traumatic Brain Injury Affects Hearing
By Lynn Fugaro

Hearing problems are quite common after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) because the inner ear is directly connected to the central nervous system. Ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and hearing loss are two of the most widely reported side effects of a traumatic brain injury. Some other hearing problems that may occur following a brain injury include hyperacusis (normal situations seem very loud); difficulty filtering one set of sounds from background noise; and auditory agnosia (also called pure word deafness). Auditory agnosia is a condition in which the person is unable to recognize the meanings of certain sounds.

Following a TBI, hearing problems can occur for a number of reasons, both mechanical and neurological, particularly when the inner ear and/or temporal lobes have been damaged. External bleeding in the ear canal, middle ear damage, cochlear injury and/or temporal lobe lesions can all cause auditory dysfunction.

Children who suffer TBI typically face additional problems in the areas of communication, acquiring new information, spatial orientation, task completion, impulse control, and social conversation.

The inner ear is made up of a series of delicate membranes, which can easily rupture during a head trauma. The cochlea, which is the important spiral-shaped bone in the ear, can be damaged by a strong blow to the head causing hearing damage. Other types of membrane damage may cause hearing loss as well as dizziness (vertigo) and nausea. Sometimes, surgery can correct damage to the inner ear.

Because hearing loss limits or takes away one of the primary means we use to communicate, hearing loss has the potential to complicate many of the other side effects of brain damage, mainly cognitive and social problems. Many TBI victims already suffer cognitive issues such as trouble finding words, and these problems are only exacerbated if the patient cannot hear what is going on around him.

Fortunately, for some TBI victims, hearing problems disappear a few weeks after the accident that led to the patient's brain damage, but other hearing problems will last indefinitely. Since many hearing problems cannot even be detected by the patient himself after the TBI, it is recommended that anyone suffering a traumatic brain injury be evaluated by an audiologist, even if nothing appears to be wrong with the victim's hearing.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury in Houston or anywhere in Texas, please contact the experienced Brain Injury Attorneys at Kennedy Hodges L.L.P.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ears Hearing Center

My Body: Ears and Hearing
Ears and Hearing. Sounds go into my ears. Inside my ear, sounds hit an eardrum. Nerves tell my brain about the sound. My brain tells me what I am hearing.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hearing Aids To Best Suit Your Needs

Hearing Aids To Best Suit Your Needs
By Robert Thatcher

Studies show that one-tenth of the American population is hearing-impaired. Over the years, hearing aids have helped a great deal in eliminating this deficiency.

Hearing aids are small audio devices which are attached to the ears. Most models now are hidden to a casual observer. They offer a superior sound quality which helps lessen, if not eliminate, the loss of hearing.

As technology evolves, the science behind manufacturing hearing aids have become more and more advanced.

Here are the three basic types of hearing aids:

1. Conventional hearing aids

These are the very first types and brands of hearing aids which were realeased in the market.

Although not as technologically advanced as the programmable digital hearing aids, the conventional type can be adjusted in a way that will fit the user's needs.

With this type, the volume is manually adjusted by the user. The sound can be turned up or down, depending on the softness or loudness of the source of sound.

The only minor disadvantage of this type of hearing aids is that if a person's hearing loss level improves or worsens, it must be sent back to the manufacturer so that adjustments can be made.This can be quite inconvenient for the user.

2. Programmable hearing aids

This is more advanced in terms of technology, as compared to the conventional type.

Programmable hearing aids have adjustable circuits which may be adjusted, depending on the user's level of hearing.

The volume control is automatic, making life easier for the patient.

3. Digital hearing aids

Depending on the patient's needs, a digital hearing aid may be ordered to suit a specific situation.

This is by far the best and most convenient type to use.

There are hearing health care professionals whose job is to find the hearing aid that will be beneficial for the user.

The patient's lifestyle and level of hearing loss is considered when looking for the best hearing aid to buy.

Digital hearing aids also feature an automatic volume control.

However, it may take one or two visits to a health care professional before the settings of the hearing aid can be adjusted to the user's satisfaction.

Physically, this type of hearing aid is easier to wear and is kinder to the ears.

The circuit within the hearing aid automatically increases or decreases the level of sound.

There is a microphone and an amplifier that gathers and adjusts the sound respectively.

Finally, the speaker transmits the byproduct of the altered and digitally-enhanced sound to the user's ears.

The downside is that this type of hearing aid is more expensive than the programmable and conventional hearing aids.

Still, once you have invested in a digital hearing aid, it will surely be convenient for you and will fit into any lifestyle.

4. Disposable hearing aids

This type offers the sound quality of a conventional hearing aid and is more cost-effective than its more technologically-advanced counterparts.

Disposable hearing aids have a shorter shelf-life. They can last 40 days at most, and once the battery expires, a new one should be purchased.

To choose a hearing aid that is right for you, make sure that you consult your ear doctor or otologist/audiologist.

When consulting a professional to choose the right hearing aid for you, give them an overview of your lifestyle and budget to determine the best hearing aid that will suit your needs.

Finally, try it out for a few days and if you find that the hearing aid that you bought does not fit your ear, your needs and your way of living, go back to your health care professional so that another type can be purchased.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides hearing aid resources on

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hearing Loss and the Games Children Play

Hearing Loss and the Games Children Play
By Jill Blodgett

Today in the newspaper there was an article about a Welsh company that developed a device called the mosquito. The device emitts a high pitch sound and was marketed as an ultra sonic teenager repellent. The whole idea is based on the fact that adults gradually lose their ability to hear high pitched tones as they age. The device was popular with shopkeepers in England who would use it outside their shops where teenages loitered.

The device, intended to benefit adults, has been turned against them. The mosquito noise has been reinvented as a cell phone ring tone. Kids are downloading the ring tone from the internet and using it in school and other places where they aren't allowed to have their cell phones on. The phone rings or beeps for a text message and the teacher never knows!

This article made me laugh because years ago when I used to jog with my teenager there was a certain place on a street we went down where she would cover her ears and complain about a noise, a high pitched squeal, that hurt her ears. I thought she was crazy because I couldn't hear a thing. She is vindicated!

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