Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hearing Loss and the Games Children Play

Hearing Loss and the Games Children Play
By Jill Blodgett

Today in the newspaper there was an article about a Welsh company that developed a device called the mosquito. The device emitts a high pitch sound and was marketed as an ultra sonic teenager repellent. The whole idea is based on the fact that adults gradually lose their ability to hear high pitched tones as they age. The device was popular with shopkeepers in England who would use it outside their shops where teenages loitered.

The device, intended to benefit adults, has been turned against them. The mosquito noise has been reinvented as a cell phone ring tone. Kids are downloading the ring tone from the internet and using it in school and other places where they aren't allowed to have their cell phones on. The phone rings or beeps for a text message and the teacher never knows!

This article made me laugh because years ago when I used to jog with my teenager there was a certain place on a street we went down where she would cover her ears and complain about a noise, a high pitched squeal, that hurt her ears. I thought she was crazy because I couldn't hear a thing. She is vindicated!

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