Saturday, September 6, 2008

Benefits of Thought Field Therapy in Adapting to Loss of Hearing

Benefits of Thought Field Therapy in Adapting to Loss of Hearing
By Maggie Currie

Thought Field Therapy can help a considerable number of people who have suffered the trauma of losing their hearing. Often the sudden loss of hearing can result in tremendous stress related to having to make dramatic lifestyle changes and coping with all the new, and often strange, methods of communicating. This can involve not only new technology, but the basic means of chatting with friends and family, shopping, travelling, watching television and the myriad of other activities associated with everyday living. This can be very scary indeed and can create even more stress and anxiety, which may compound the original problem. Whatever the trauma, whether it is associated with hearing loss or any other problem, the TFT Practitioner does not need to know what it is specifically, only the level of anxiety related to it.

Thought Field Therapy removes the anxiety associated with the trauma, also removes the anxiety associated with the uncertainty of coping with new things and thus makes it easier to cope with. Each problem is dealt with individually, i.e. treating the original anxiety first and then working on other associated levels of anxiety associated with problems until all the anxiety is removed. Each particular process usually takes only minutes and is not only totally non-invasive and effective, but permanent. The TFT Practitioner asks the individual to assess their level of stress and from that diagnoses the relevant treatment.

The treatment involves the client tapping on the meridian lines of their body under the instruction of the Practitioner who taps with them, in particular sequences, depending on the problem, and has a 98% success rate. The Practitioner will not only instruct you, but also tap along with you to make sure that, not only you get the sequences right, but that you dont feel stupid.

The benefits of removing the anxiety associated with losing your hearing are that you can concentrate on building up your self confidence so that you can ask people to repeat any unheard dialogue without either you, or them, feeling embarrassed. Having the confidence to tell others that you are deaf relieves some the pressure of trying to strain to hear, as other people will make the effort to allow you to understand what they are saying more readily than if they are unaware that you cant hear them. Socialising will become easier and more enjoyable for the person with hearing loss and for their friends and relatives.

You may not have the particular problems mentioned above yet, but you may know someone who does. No anxiety, more confidence, more fun get rid of your anxieties now.

Maggie Currie is a qualified Thought Field Therapy Practitioner, having trained with the Association for Thought Field Therapy in London, and would be happy to help people remove the anxiety associated with hearing loss, permanently. To find out more contact Maggie on 01983 759213, TypeTalk calls welcome, or visit the website and contact her via email by following the links.

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